For The Interested

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FTI #374: Do you feel it too?

​ ​ ​ I sense growing frustration among creative entrepreneurs. Many feel they're doing what they're "supposed" to do, but it's not working. It's understandable. But it's
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FTI #373: Nothing is a must

​ ​ ​ Nothing is a "must-read." Or a "must-watch." Or a "must-listen." Or a "must-subscribe." Or a "must-buy." I'm guilty of using these terms on
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FTI #372: My model, your niche

​ ​ ​ A quick reminder: Today's your last chance to get my Sessions System skill session for just $25 before the price doubles tomorrow. If you have any interest in selling products based on your
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FTI #371: I got you covered

​ ​ ​ I made you a playlist. It's called 1985 Covered and features the best covers of songs originally released in 1985. Also... It's awesome. Now, on to this week's ideas... *** The
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FTI #370: The hard part

​ ​ ​ The hard part isn't if you can get good enough. It's if you can be patient enough. Now, on to this week's ideas... *** The Starting Five 1. The Mindset That's Driven All My
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FTI #369: Before and after

​ ​ ​ The newsletter you're about to read didn't always look like this. Here's a look at the first draft of my headlines and how I edited them to (hopefully) make them more interesting to
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FTI #368: The chase

​ ​ ​ What are you chasing? ​Make sure it's the right thing. Now, on to this week's ideas... *** The Starting Five 1. How To Write Social Posts That Get You Clients​ My step-by-step guide on
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FTI #367: I want to help you

​ ​ ​ I want to help you reach the 44000 creative entrepreneurs who read my newsletter. Those subscribers don't only love what I share, they also love what my sponsors share. ​Exhibit A. ​Exhibit B
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FTI #366: So far, so great.

​ ​ ​ It's been almost a year since I launched my podcast. 50 episodes published. 150+ questions answered. 35584 podcast downloads. 200 videos published. 88074 YouTube views. And still just getting
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Here's what you missed…

​ ​ ​ Looks like you may have missed last week's FOR THE INTERESTED newsletter so I wanted to send it to you again in case it got lost in your inbox. Have a great weekend! Josh *** I used to be
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FTI #365: Minds blown.

​ ​ ​ When I introduced my new newsletter this week, I got a great response from people who checked it out. Not only because they found it useful and inspiring, but also because... The concept is so
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FTI #364: Back in 2015...

​ ​ ​ I used to be uncomfortable sharing my ideas. Just found this note I wrote to myself on Dec. 1, 2015. I hope it helps you see you're not the only one who struggles to put yourself out there.
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FTI #363: A safe bet

​ ​ ​ I bet you're doing too much. Most of us are. ​Here are some signs you've got a problem and what to do about it. Now, on to this week's ideas... *** The Starting Five 1. How I Sell My
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FTI #362: Maybe.

​ ​ ​ Maybe your audience is already big enough to accomplish your goals. Maybe you need better clients, not more clients. Maybe the reason you haven't accomplished your goal is because you're
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The thing that sticks out

​ ​ ​ I love finding things that shift your perspective of your own work. *** Today's email is brought to you by a tool to help you grow and monetize your newsletter, no matter what platform you
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FTI #361: Help me help you

​ ​ ​ By now you've (hopefully) seen a bunch of excerpts of my Skill Sessions. Quick reminder: The membership price goes up from $150 to $197 on Tuesday so if you're thinking of joining,
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Here's what you missed…

​ ​ ​ Looks like you may have missed last week's FOR THE INTERESTED newsletter so I wanted to send it to you again in case it got lost in your inbox. Have a great weekend! Josh ​ *** My Skill
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FTI #360: An invitation

​ ​ ​ My Skill Sessions are awesome, but they're about to get awesomer. Because I'm adding a monthly "Jam Session" Q&A where members can join me on Zoom and get advice or feedback
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Here's what you missed…

​ ​ ​ Looks like you may have missed last week's FOR THE INTERESTED newsletter so I wanted to send it to you again in case it got lost in your inbox. Have a great weekend! Josh *** Ship 30 for 30
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FTI #359: Bon voyage

​ ​ ​ Ship 30 for 30 is one of the most successful courses/communities around. Here's my take on the secret to its success and how you can adapt that model to your own niche. Now, on to this